Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Washington DC gets Occupied in a Big Way

K street march top The streets of downtown Washington DC were filled today with the 99% as several separate Occupy groups converged on K  Street to protest economic disparity DSCN9748and the injustice that is embedded in our economic and monetary system. The  Lobbyists of K Street stood and aimlessly looked on as a very diverse group of Americans from all walks of life expressed their feelings to the power the leverage on the US Government and the people’s representatives.  DSCN9740With over 2700 registered occupiers taking it to the streets, as well as several hundred others, the number of protesters on the streets of Washington today most likely numbered more than 3000.  
Going by the title of “Take back the Capitol”, the weeklong augmented occupation has been seen as one of the most DSCN9766successful events to date by Occupy Wall Street activists and the 99%, as they are often called and now refer to themselves as.  With the initiation of what many of the 99% have referred to as the “Peoples Lobby”, the members of Congress and Senate may now feel more pressure on an almost daily basis. Many of the representatives who often feel that Washington DSCN9786DC is a sort of sanctuary from those they have been elected to represent, may soon have a change of heart.
As the separate groups (there are several different Occupy Camps throughout DC) converged on K  Street, I sensed a feeling of accomplishment as the groupsDSCN9632 then spread out to various locations and intersections. There was only one known arrest (as of 2:41 PM). With more activities planned, there should be much more to report on in the next day or two. I will be on the road as of tomorrow night but will try to get out another report before I leave.

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