Examiner.com Report Thunderbird Email and The status of Green Bay Internet.
Here I take a look at the free Thunderbird email program from Mozilla. Recently I have had some of my friends inquire on how I am able to send a photo to them within seconds of receiving the request.
In the video below, I show a simple way of sending photos over the internet using the Thunderbird email program. It is as simple a drag and drop.
One may notice that my email has a custom skin …I.E. Pitch Dark. I enjoy the dark look and it is supposed to save on electricity too.
I also speak of the next tech report … an update on the status of the internet infrastructure here in Green Bay and the Greater Brown County area.
A few years ago, I interviewed Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt. He expressed a desire to see a Fiber Optic network built for the greater Green Bay Downtown area. I was surprised to so much resistance to such a great idea. The communities that did install such high speed networks have experienced a significant increase in business’s, particularly high tech business’s, move in to take advantage of the network. The jobs that these business’s bring to the community are not low wage retail, but medium to high skill level technology based, skilled labor positions. A definite plus to any community struggling with the ever c hanging economy.
Look forward to a full report on this in the near future … and be sure to watch the video below.
You can download a 720pHD version (Quicktime) of the video if you click here.