Thursday, January 12, 2006

Manitou Park; A Walk Through Memory Lane

Taking a Photo Safari in this park brings back many memories of my childhood.

I lived
just on top of the hill. It was during 6th and 7th grade that we lived in this house right in front of the park. I used to work on my outdoor skills, explore, party, and just have a good time in this area.
I cannot count how many times I crossed the Train Tressel, on foot and on my bike. I even used it to get to and from school many, many times.

It never occurred
to me at that age how dangerous it was making the crossing ... although I would go on to more dangerous things while in the Army.

It was a good party spot when I got a little older and needed a place to go with my friends. In those days, we looked a lot older than we were and had no problem getting beer.
Many of my friends would hang in the general area and it was no big deal to run into another group and increase the size of out party group.

To the right is the usual spot that we would set up.

Taking advantage of the privacy is not something that the young of our day and age can do anymore (at least I would figure ... I did not see anyone else there).
I hope that our society has not become so restrictive that the next generations will not have the oportunity to create memories in this
Don't forget to check out the photo's on my site

This is the view from the top of the Tressel
(our name for the train bridge).

This is the view looking southwest from the reivers edge

This is the view from the top of the park next to the road

This is the view looking east/southeast fron the main park area


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